Singing Lessons for Beginners

Group singing lessons for adult beginners

Are you a beginner and would like to learn more about singing and your voice? Would you like to gain more confidence when singing and gain strength in your voice? Then these group singing lessons for beginners are for you!

You sing every week in a group and receive instruction from an experienced singing teacher.

Why do singing lessons for beginners in a group?

Singing is wonderful. Not having to think about anything else and singing along with your favorite artist. It makes the dishes less boring and in the shower it just sounds good. But can you learn to sing better? 

Maybe you already sing in a choir, but you hit a ceiling with some notes. Or your voice gets tired very quickly while singing.

Making music in general, and singing in particular becomes more fun when you do it with other people. Making music together gives a sense of belonging. You can also learn from each other. What you already mastered, the other cannot yet do and vice versa. Besides, it can be a big step to take private lessons right away. You may not have a lot of time and you don’t know if singing lessons are really for you.

That is why at Studio MusicalMente we also offer weekly group lessons. By keeping the group small (max 6 people), you will always be able to hear yourself.

Who is this singing group intended for?

Of course you have to love singing. But why should you take these group lessons and not, say, private lessons? You can have several reasons for wanting to take group singing lessons:

If you fall into any of these categories, then the group singing lessons for beginners are your way to get you started singing. In these group lessons, you’ll meet others who, like you, are eager to improve their voices.

Practical Details


Monday evening (18.30-19.30)
Tuesday evening (18.30-19.30)
Wednesday evening (18.30-19.30)
Thursday evening (19.30-20.30) There are no classes during school vacations.


1st lesson – 15€
Come to your first lesson for 15€ – no strings attached.

By clicking on the button below, you will redirect to the form where you can request your first tryout lesson.

We will then contact you with all the information.

€ 129 per month 
If you are then happy with it and you would like to continue, you’ll pay only 129€ per month.


Studio Musicalmente: In Het Koorenhuis, Prinsegracht 27 Den Haag, room 1.11
(City Center Den Haag)


Max. participants: 6 per course


Boukje van Gelder



What do you learn in the group singing lessons for beginners?

In singing lessons, we work on four things: vocal endurance, singing in tune, confidence when singing and the harmony when singing together.

Singing Lessons for Beginners

1. Vocal Endurance

When you just start exercising, you are often exhausted quickly. This is also true when you start singing. Your voice can get tired quickly. By singing more in the classes (and preferably at home) you can improve your stamina when singing. This allows you to be able to sing longer and that gives you more pleasure in singing. In the lessons we work on this with:

- exercises for technique
- Managing your breath efficiently
- a lot of focus on the voice and not only on the music

Singing Lessons for Beginners

2. Singing in tune

Singing out of tune is one of the biggest sins there is in singing land. Yet, you don't have to be afraid of singing out of tune. You just need some tools that will allow you to still hit the right note. For this you do need to know when something is not in tune. Unfortunately, this often immediately gets a negative undertone in which you feel guilty for singing out of tune. This is not productive. Singing out of tune once in a while is part of it; you learn from it. Because you sing in a group, you also have each other's support for the notes.

Singing Lessons for Beginners

3. Confidence when singing

I often get students who either only want private lessons or only want to sing in a very large choir because they are afraid that others will hear them sing (terribly). In a small group you are sure others are going to hear you, but this is actually a good thing. You come into a safe environment where you have to step over boundaries to test the capabilities of your voice.

Singing Lessons for Beginners

4. Harmony when singing together

The focus also remains on singing together. Everyone has a different sound in their voice. How can you make sure this sounds nice together? What happens when you sing in unison? What happens when you sing polyphonically? You will get tips on how to blend your sound with other voices. This can come in handy, for example, if you sing in a choir.

What do a singing lessons for beginners look like?

Ieder les heeft drie delen: oefeningen voor de stem, muzikale oefeningen en Each lesson has three parts: exercises for the voice, musical exercises and the application of the exercises in a piece.

1. Vocal exercises.

Every class we start with the vocal warmup, so your muscles warm up and you can get used to each other right away. First we do a warmup song and then we do three simple vocal exercises. You'll also get tips on how to use your body efficiently while singing.

2. Musical practice.

Next we work on tone and sound. This can be done, for example, with an exercise in which one person holds a tone while the other sings a different tone. We can also do pre- and post-singing or a rhythm exercise. 

3. Apply exercises in a song

Then we study a simple song together. We see where the difficulties are and how to practice those pieces. This can be unison or polyphonic.

Singing Lessons for Beginners

Which music do we sing in the singing lessons?

In the lessons we sing familiar pop and musical songs, for example, Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen, Somewhere Over The Rainbow or newer songs such as Green Green Grass by George Ezra. There are so many pop songs that are fun to do, that participants' preferences for styles can also be included. We are not going to sing songs that everyone thinks are dull to do.

€ 139 per month
1 hour group singing lessons every week + singing exercises for at home.

Who is the singing teacher?

Boukje van Gelder Vocal teacher

Boukje van Gelder

Vocal Teacher

Boukje started singing when she was two years old. After playing piano and cello she started with vocal lessons and later decided that she wanted to be a singer. She loves to sing Bach and American song repertoire. In her Bachelor’s she did an internship in which she had to give vocal lessons and she liked it so much that she wants to continue to teach.

“To make music with your voice is something beautiful and also personal because every voice has its own sound and colour. With all my vocal teachers I learned different ways to find my own sound in a way that feels free. Now I like to help other people with finding their own sound.”  

Website Boukje


You pay €15 for the introductory session. After that you pay €139-€350 per month, depending on how many lessons per week you choose.

At what point are you a beginner? It is very difficult to answer this question precisely. In general, you are a beginner if you:
– Never had singing lessons
– Have had singing lessons for a year or less.
– Have had singing lessons for a very long time.

We also offer advanced group lessons.

There are different levels of groups. In the individual introductory session, we can see which format best suits your level.

If you cannot make a class, you can ask us to make up the class in another group. We will check for you if spots are available and when.

You can cancel one calendar month in advance. Send an e-mail to stating that you no longer wish to take classes. Cancel your subscription before the end of the month.

Example: you cancel your subscription on December 10, then you still pay January. As of February, your payment will stop.

Classes follow the Dutch school calendar. You can view the vacations here. In total, per school year, there are 38 lessons.

You can pay for the trial lesson via bank transfer or payment request. Once you sign up for a subscription, your tuition will be collected monthly from your account. In the months of August through June, this happens around the 26th of the month. We don’t accept cash.

You pay for 11 months per year. We do not charge in the month of August.

Yes, the cost is the same. We have calculated an average price for the months with more and less than 4 lessons. This way we have made it simpler for both you and us to avoid confusion about the price.

You may choose whether you practice for singing lessons. But if you practice at least twice a week, it will be more fun for your fellow singers and better for your stamina. You’ll also find that you progress faster, which will keep you challenged.

If you don’t practice, you can also progress, but it will be slower. You may then find that you run into the same issues every week.

If you join us after the month has started, you pay only the remaining classes for that month. After that, you will pay the full monthly fee.

Het is voor bijna iedereen die met zanglessen begint spannend om voor andere mensen te zingen. De groepslessen zijn een veilige omgeving om meer te durven, ook al vind je zelf dat je nog niet goed genoeg zingt. Je zult merken dat je er snel aan gewend raakt en dat het zingen daardoor ook beter gaat!