Six Obstacles when you start singing lessons

There are many new impressions when you start singing lessons and therefore it is logical that you also encounter some problems during the lessons or when practicing at home. This can slow down your progress and be discouraging. In this article are 6 obstacles when you start singing lessons that are unknown to most new students. Take advantage of them.
Singing with Asthma

I want to talk about coping with your asthma while singing through four questions:
Can I sing with asthma?
Can I sing in a choir with asthma?
How can asthma medication impact my voice?
How can I cope with my asthma during singing?
How to sing long notes?

When we speak we hardly ever think of the length of the words we say. We just say them and usually they’re short.
When we sing this is so different: notes can be very long. In this explanation I will give you tips on how to sing long notes without pressing them. I will give you a technical and a musical path. Both paths reinforce each other.
Why take vocal lessons?

Why take vocal lessons? 10 Steps you can make with singing when you take vocal lessons You’re on this page because you’re interested in improving your singing, but not sure what vocal lessons can bring you. In this blog, I want to give you some important reasons why vocal lessons help you on your way […]
Why do I have a tight throat in singing

Many beginners have a tight voice when singing. It can feel like the throat is closing up, and singing can cause pain in the throat. The higher the note, the worse the throat squeezes. Singing thus becomes a unpleasant affair. This while singing should feel free and relaxed, right?